Company Info

Information about this company and their rating can be viewed by clicking the link to the BBB's website. 

The BBB's website indicates it has processed 64 complaints against the company in the last 36 months; 29 of those are listed as CONTRACT ISSUES and 20 of them are listed as SALES PRACTICE ISSUES

After his brother's sold Certified Merchant Services back in 2004 to pay the $23.5 million dollar judgement to the Federal Trade Commission, Andy Frankel was named President of Certified Payment Processing where he served until 2008 when he left the company and formed Apex Merchant Group. His executive team published on Apex's website (Apex Merchant Group's Management) lists a couple of people who were also members of the Certified Merchant Team prior to the company being sold.

Common complaints about APEX have been outlined on the right, more can be read by visiting the Better Business Bereau's website or Rip Off Report and other boards by searching "APEX MERCHANT GROUP + Complaints" through your favorite search engine.

Reason for Rating


BBB rating is based on 16 factors. Get the details about the factors considered.
Factors that lowered Apex Merchant Group's rating include:
  • Length of time business has been operating.
  • 70 complaints filed against business
Factors that raised Apex Merchant Group's rating include:
  • Response to 69 complaint(s) filed against business.
  • Resolution of complaint(s) filed against business.
  • BBB has sufficient background information on this business.


Customer Complaints Summary


70 complaints closed with BBB in last 3 years | 39 closed in last 12 months
Complaint TypeTotal Closed Complaints
Advertising / Sales Issues22
Billing / Collection Issues5
Problems with Product / Service43
Delivery Issues0
Guarantee / Warranty Issues0
Total Closed Complaints 70

Another RipOff Report for APEX Merchant Group


APEX Merchant Group Representative Lied, Practically Held Me Hostage in My Own Store. Company Doesn't Care Plano, Texas

These guys are creeps. One of their salesmen came in to my store and basically wouldn’t leave until I signed a deal with him. I felt trapped because I had customers in the store and I couldn’t get rid of him. I actually considered calling the cops, but decided against it because I didn’t want to make a scene. Now I wish I had. I felt totally harassed by the man that came in.

To make it worse, I asked him if I would be under contract if I signed up for Apex and he told me no. I asked this question more than once. I also read through the paperwork to ensure that it didn’t state a length of contract. When I got to the cancelation part, I asked the man again about it. I questioned why there would be a cancelation fee if there wasn’t a term on the contact. He told me that it didn’t apply to me since I wouldn’t be getting equipment from Apex. He told me that only companies that received new equipment needed to be in a term contract.

I read through everything I signed and I did not find anything about a length of agreement so I had no reason to doubt him.

I felt awful about the exchange. Like I stated earlier, I really only signed paperwork with him to get him out of my store and with several assurances that I could cancel with no penalty or fees since I wouldn’t be in a term contract.

Of course, you know how this ends. I felt so lousy about our entire exchange that I switched merchant providers a few months later. I called to cancel my service with Apex and was informed that I was in a contract!  I hung up, reread my contract from start to finish and still didn’t find anything stating a length of term etc. so I called again a few days later.

Apparently Apex’s scam is that they are supposed to give you some sort of book along with all the paperwork that you sign. In the book is a section that states a length of term etc. I still maintain I never received such a book. I vaguely remember something to that effect coming up when the creepy guy was in my store but he was “out” and said it didn’t matter. I’ll admit I was naive. I believed him (and as I mentioned I really wanted him OUT!)

I didn’t think someone would lie straight to my face like that over and over again. I also assumed that Apex would stand by their employees. I was wrong on both accounts. Apex doesn’t care at all and gleefully took the money from my account for canceling my contract with them.

Bottom line: Don’t trust anything this company tells you. If they were a consumer company they’d already be out of business.

Apex Merchant Group listed on Ripoff Report .com



An agent from Transtech came to my shop and I signed with them. Less than a year later another person came by from Apex and requested to offer me better rates and better service. After looking at the rates, they were cheaper than what I was paying.

I asked right away if I would have to pay any canellation fees for cancelling from the other company within less than a year. I was reassured many times that I would not be.

About 2 months later, My bank statement reflected charges totaling $695.00 for close fees to the other account. When I contacted Apex about this, they referred me to their main office. When I called the main office, my call was automatically sent to an answering machine.

About 2-3 days later I received a call from someone and they assurred me that I would recieve $300.00 back for the fees and send in a request to get additional money back for the close fees. After doing so, I never recieved any money nor would anyone else return my calls.

I started searching the company online and saw that the company that I cancelled with is the same company that I had just signed with. They got almost $700.00 and still had my business.

Upon further investigation I found out that I did not recieve the proper equipment that was on my lease aggreement. I was paying for equipment that I did not have. I had finally had enough.

I boxed all equipment and typed cancellation letters and returned it all to them by certified mail. These companies are a complete fraud and they prey on consumers who are unaware of proper fees and quipment for merchant services.

I have all documentation from the first contract to the last and all statements from these companies and they are all the same. Do not sign with these companies. Research Better Business Bureau and other sights for upstanding merchant providers before you sign with anyone.

So what is Apex Merchant Group About?

What to expect from the company as a 'independent consultant'

On their web-site, Apex advertises their Career Opportunities as "A Salesperson's dream! Preset Qualified Appointments!". They also state "We also provide easy access to a Team Coordinator at every presentation to help with questions, paperwork and finding a solution to earn the merchant's business". 

During your interview, you are told that you need a reliable car and a cell phone. What they don't tell you is that you will also need a computer with high-speed internet access to MapQuest the leads they give you and a working printer with plenty of supplies, as they expect you to print out nearly all the forms you'll require, including the merchant application/agreement, which is 17 pages long. It's also a good idea to have a cell phone plan with unlimited minutes, as, if my own experience is anything to go by, your team coordinator will put you on hold for 5-10 minutes almost every time you call - somewhat embarrassing if you're with a merchant.

Their "preset qualified appointments" are an absolute joke. You will be told by a team leader that merchants often lie about appointments - you turn up and your contact isn't there and the receptionist/secretary lies and denies all knowledge of the appointment.  So much for pre-qualified.